

Parallel Shell for Multiple Hosts

Usage Required RHEL 7.9 Python >= 3.6.8 paramiko-2.11.0 bcrypt-3.2.2 cryptography-36.0.2 PyNaCl-1.5.0 six-1.16.0 cffi-1.15.1 pycparser-2.21 pip-21.3.1 wheel-0.37.1 setuptools_rust-1.1.2 semantic_version-2.10.0 typing_extensions-4.1.1 setuptools-59.6.0 cryptography-36.0.2 Install Required Packages # yum install -y python3 python3-pip# python3 -m pip install upgrade pip# python3 -m pip install cryptography==36.0.2# python3 -m pip install paramiko MultiTerm(hosts: tuple, debug=False): __init__() Create a multiple terminal interface. […]



  mminit.py [module] [options] [action]


  ipcalc - calculate subnet for given <IP/Prefix> | [Netmask]
    mminit.py ipcalc
    mminit.py ipcalc 24
    mminit.py ipcalc
    mminit.py ipcalc

  ifcfg - automatically assign IP address[es] to the first suitable interface
    mminit.py ifcfg -h -a -g '' -p 'SHARED_PASS' 
                    --default-route --restart-network
    mminit.py ifcfg 
        <-h HOST[s]> 
        [-u USER[s]] [-p PASSWORD[s]]
        <-a ADDRESS[es]> <-g GATEWAY[s]>
        [-r | --default-route] [-w | --restart-network]
	mminit.py ifcfg    
		<-h HOST[s]>   
	    [-u USER[s]] [-p PASSWORD[s]]  
	    <-i interface> --show

  gpfs - create GPFS cluster, NSD, filesystem
    mminit.py gpfs 
        <-h HOST[s]> 
        [-u USER[s]] [-p PASSWORD[s]]
        [-f DIRECTORY] [-g MMFS] [-d /dev/sdx] 
        [-P PRIMARY] [-s SECONDARY] 
        <--preview | --run>

  multerm -- cli for fetching output of command from multiple hosts
    mminit.py multerm
        <-h HOST[s]>
        [-u USER[s]] [-p PASSWORD[s]]  


  -h HOST[s]            address[es] or domain[s] to login via SSH, 
                        '' or ','
  -u USER[s]            username[s] of the host[s], the default value is 'root' 
						'USER1, USER2 ...'
  -p PASSWORD[s]        password[s] of the user[s] 'PASS1 PASS2'
                        one string for all
                         or specify every different PASSWORD for each

  For module ifcfg only:
  -a ADDRESSES          address[es] to be assigned
                        format 1: ','
                        format 2: ''
  -g GATEWAY[s]         gateway[s] for the address[es] to be assigned
						such as ','
  -t, --default-route   set the GATEWAY specified default 
  -r, --restart-network restart service 'network' via 'systemctl restart network' 
  -i INTERFACE          name of network interface card

  For module gpfs only:
  -s ADDRESSES          service IP addresses ','
                        prefix of address such as '192.168' is acceptable 
	                    for verifying network configuration
                        both of prefix and full address are used to identified 
                        host, assigning IP with '-a' option
  -b HEARTBEATS         heartbeats IP addresses ','
                        prefix of address such as '192.168' is acceptable 
                        for verifying network configuration
                        both of prefix and full address are used to identified 
                        host, assigning IP with '-a' option
  -n [DC:]HOST[/HOST]   hostnames 
						'DATACENTER1:host1/host2, DATACENTER2:host3/host4'
                        for double checking host configuration
                        never try to set hostname here

  -x PREFIX             nodename prefix, append to the beginning of 
						the OS hostname 'prefix-'
                        this option overwrite the global parameter 
                        defined at the beginning 

  -m MOUNT_POINT        GPFS filesystem mount point
  -f FS_NAME            the name of GPFS filesystem
  -d DISK               the name of hard driver used for create NSD

  -P NODENAME           the primary node of the GPFS cluster
  -S NODENAME           the secondary node of the cluster
  -Q NODENAME           the 3-party node of the cluster
						quorum only, never supply NSD service
  --show                display NICs configuration
  --preview             preview generated configuration for GPFS installation
  --help                print help messages and exit


  • RHEL 7.9
  • Python >= 3.6.8
    • paramiko-2.11.0
    • bcrypt-3.2.2
    • cryptography-36.0.2
    • PyNaCl-1.5.0
    • six-1.16.0
    • cffi-1.15.1
    • pycparser-2.21
    • pip-21.3.1
    • wheel-0.37.1
    • setuptools_rust-1.1.2
    • semantic_version-2.10.0
    • typing_extensions-4.1.1
    • setuptools-59.6.0
    • cryptography-36.0.2

Install Required Packages

# yum install -y python3 python3-pip
# python3 -m pip install upgrade pip
# python3 -m pip install cryptography==36.0.2
# python3 -m pip install paramiko

MultiTerm(hosts: tuple, debug=False):


Create a multiple terminal interface.

Parameters: hosts (tuple) - ((host, user, password, port), (None, ), ('', ))
			debug: set to True display log on the monitor

getoutput(command: str)

Execute command and fetch output for all hosts specified

Parameters: command (str) - command line
Returns:list of output strings the command being executing, ordering by the sequence of the hosts defined before.

getstatusoutput(command: str)

Execute command and fetch return code & output for every host

Parameters: command (str) - command line
Returns: 	a list of 2-tuple which contains the return code and output string of the executing command, be ordered by the sequence of the hosts.

getoutput_thread(command: str)

Execute command and fetch output with multiple threads

Parameters: command (str) - command line string
Returns:	a dict takes [host|address][s] as the key[s], and the output string[s] as the value[s]

getstatusoutput_thread(command: str)

Execute command and fetch return code & output for every host with multiple threads

Parameters: command (str) - command line string
Returns: 	a dict take [host|address][s] as the key[s], and 2-tuple[s] of command executing return code and output string as the value[s]

getstatus_bool(command: str)

Execute command and fetch return code with multiple threads

Parameters: command (str) - command line string
Returns: 	a dict take [host|address][s] as the key[s], and command executing return status (True | False) as the value[s]

add_hosts(ip: str, host_name: str):

append line 'address host_name' to file '/etc/hosts'  

Returns:    return code[s] of `echo "ip  host" >> /etc/hosts`


Append specified ssh public key to each host  

Parameters: ssh_pub_key (str) - ssh public key


Check ssh key file, if not exist, generate by command `ssh-keygen -t rsa`

add_hosts_all(ip_prefix: str, nodename_prefix=None)

Add 'ip hostname' string[s] to all hosts defined

'localhost' is ignored!!! 

Parameters: ip_prefix (str) - the prefix if IP address[es]
			nodename_prefix (str) - the prefix of nodename[s] to be appended. 

For example: 
ip_prefix = '192.168', nodename_prefix = 'rhel-'
one NIC of the host which has the hostname 'server01' hold the IP ''
line '  rhel-server01' will be appended to the file '/etc/hosts' on every host


Add host[s] to SSH known_hosts file
Parameters: host: hostname [or|and] IP address

add_known_hosts_all(self, ip_prefix: str, nodename_prefix=None)

Add both IP address[es] with prefix 'ip_prefix' and nodename[s] with prefix 'nodename_prefix' to SSH known_hosts file  

Parameters: ip_prefix: (str) prefix of IP address
			nodename_prefix: (str) prefix of nodename


append IP address to file '/etc/hosts.allow'

add_ssh_whitelist_all(ip_prefix: str)

append addresses those start with 'ip_prefix' to file '/etc/hosts.allow'

ssh_authorize_all(ssh_key_file=None, add_known_hosts=False)

configure SSH key-based authentication for all hosts by each other

assign_ip_to_nic_thread(*ip_addr_with_prefix, gateways: str, default_route=False, add_static_routes=False, nic_prefix=None, nic_ignore_prefix=None, restart_network=False, backup=False):

try assign IP addresses to the first suitable interface on the hosts

Parameters: ip_addr_with_prefix - list of addresses/prefix has the same sequence of the hosts
			gateways(str) - one or more gateway be separated by ','
			default_route (bool) - set to True add 'DEFROUTE' line to ifcfg file
			add_static_routes (bool) - set to True add static routes for the IPs read from 'ip_addr_with_prefix'
			nic_prefix (str) - pick up the NICs those names start with this prefix
			nic_ignore_prefix (str) - ignore the NICs those names start with this 
			restart_network (bool) - True of False to decide weather restart the service 'network' via command 'systemctl restart network'
			backup (bool) - set to True to backup ifcfg files before do any changes

Returns: 	[(ip_addr, correct_nic)...]

add_static_route(target_addr_with_prefix, source_gateway)

add static route for 'target_addr_with_prefix' via 'source_gateway'


set timezone for system, default is 'Asia/Shanghai'


disable SSH service 'useDNS' for all hosts

add_yum_repo(baseurl, repo_name='rhel', repo_desc='RHEL Base Repo')

configure YUM repository with 'baseurl' and name 'rhel'

ipcalc(address, netmask='24')

calculate IP subnet for the address specified

Returns: 	network id, the 1st IP, the last IP, broadcast, number of hosts, as a 5-tuple


  mminit.py [module] [options] [action]  

  ipcalc - calculate subnet for given <IP/Prefix> | [Netmask]                   
  ifcfg - automatically assign IP address[es] to the first suitable interface[s]
mminit.py ipcalc    
mminit.py ipcalc 24    
mminit.py ipcalc    
mminit.py ipcalc 
mminit.py ifcfg -l -o -g '' -s 'PASS'



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