


GPFS集群配置 1. 安装配置Net-SNMP 1.1 用yum命令安装软件包 yum install -y net-snmp 1.2 添加GPFS需要的共享库链接 libnetsnmpagent.so -- from Net-SNMP libnetsnmphelpers.so -- from Net-SNMP libnetsnmpmibs.so -- from Net-SNMP libnetsnmp.so -- from Net-SNMP libwrap.so -- from TCP Wrappers libcrypto.so -- from OpenSSL 这些文件通常在目录/lib64或者/usr/lib64或者/usr/local/lib64中,以libnetsnmpmibs.so为例说明: cd /usr/lib64 ln -s libnetsnmpmibs.so.5.1.2 libnetsnmpmibs.so # the version number could be different depends on your own environment […]

Summary By default, the value of 'MaxStartups' is 10:30:100, which means if there are 10 ssh requests established and waiting for authorizing, then the subsequent request got 30% possibility to be refused, which means if you are trans files with a script via sftp and do NOT limit the concurrent requests may cause somebody ssh […]